

Team Size: 12

Engine: Unity

General Info: 1th TGA game project.

Pitch: Obscure mini golf is a game that combines old school mini golf thematics with action paced gameplay in which the player controls a constantly moving golf ball and tries to avoid obstacles while racing time.

My Contributions


My contribution to the movement was making the player move constantly forward, the player inputs such as turning, jumping and boost.

The player has a weaker jump if the jump button is released early. If jump is pressed right before the player lands on the ground the player will still jump as soon as the player lands.

When the player knocks into a wall the physcs material is changed for one frame so that the player bounces of the wall but don't continue to bounce all the time.

The player also has a boost and a break. Both of these use up fuel wich when empy needs to be fully charged before the player can boost again.

Transparent Objects

When the player is obscured by an object it will turn transparent. This is done with a raycast from the camera to the player. If something is hit the material will be switched out to a transparent material but keep the textures.

Other Contributions

  • Menus
  • Timer and score board
  • level transition
  • Checkpoints