Team Size: 10
Engine: Tga2D
General Info: 5th TGA game project and the last game using Tga2D.
Pitch: Journey through the sewers and fight your way through tunnels filled with mutated rats and turtles to clean up the sewers.
The player can walk and attack in all eight directions. When the player attacks a new attack hitbox will appear and extend beyond the player. Both the enemies and the player will recive knockback when struck by an attack.
The component system is set up to look like that in Unity. The system is built around a game object class with list of components derived from a base compoent class.
The Game Object class has a world position and a list of components. It also has its own observer system for its componets used for ex. checking if collision just occured or to know what frame of animation the sprite is at.
Each component is derived from a base class. It got a pointer to its owner for getting and setting its position, getting other components and sending messages.