

Team Size: 12

Engine: Sidetrack Engine(custom built engine using c++ and DirectX 11)

General Info: 6th TGA game project and first game using our custom built engine.

Pitch: By the order of the Judicators – hack and slash to save Dustwick from mutants and monster created by the deranged baron.

My Contributions

Navmesh and AStar

My contribution to the player and enemy movement was creating the navmesh and making the AStar pathfinding algorithm work with the navmesh.

Lighting + Shadow Mapping

The engine used a directional light for all the lighting in this game. The directional light also has shadow mapping wich is render in run time so its completely dynamic.

Other Contributions

  • Deffered + forward rendering
    • This game uses deffered rendering for most objekts and forward rendering for objects that requires transparancy.
  • Implementing the ECS library entt
    • This engine uses entt for its core component system wich is a entity component system. I wantet to use this to better understand how ECS games work.
  • Level import
    • This engine uses Unity as its level editor. I was responsible for importing levels into our engine.
  • Particles