

Team Size: 15

Engine: Sidetrack Engine(custom built engine using c++ and DirectX 11)

General Info: 7th TGA game project and second game using our custom built engine.

Pitch: Your foolish curiosity leads you to face the unresolved mysteries of the forgotten depths. Collect the memoirs of the past and hold on to your sanity.

My Contributions


My contribution to the player movement was mouse controlls for the camera, WASD movement and making sure that forward is always in the direction the player is looking at, physx kinematic controller implementation and making the flash light lag behind the camera to make it feel less stiff and robotic.


The Particle system suports particle traveling in cone shapes or spheres. They can spawn in rectangles, circles, cubes and spheres. Particles will linearly interpolate between different sizes and colors in a array.  Particles also support gravity.


My Contributions to the enemy was creating trigger boxes that can spawn the enemy close to the player. I also made the enemy raycast towards the player so it walks towards where it last saw the player and despawns when the player can't be seen.

Other Contributions

  • Physx Implementation
  • Point light and Directional light rendering
  • Improved defferd + forward rendering pipeline - Any amount of instances of a model can now be added or removed from the scene in real time and switch between defered and forward rendering on a per instance basis at any given time without any noticable performance loss.